November 25, 2012 – K.ONTEMPORARY WORK

..a few pictures from my recent trip to Tokyo (click here)


November 15, 2012 – RE-TITLE YOUR LIFE STORIES

My friend is a masterful hair-stylist, she clearly knows her craft and she’s expensive (for a good reason). My hair, on the other hand (I mean, on my head), is a prodigiously uninteresting piece—it’s short, thin and bland. Strange thing happens, however, when I visit her for a friendly cut & chat (and a drink after) – my hairstyle becomes a representation of who I am, I feel congruent, sexy and confident. Why is that, I wonder—what turns it into an artwork for me? My wild guess is telling me it’s because “art” (in my koddrip-dictionary) stands for Authenticity, Rapport, and Thrill. She’s genuine with me, which speaks directly to my heart and invokes my true self to come out. There’s a strong bond between her creativity and the subject she applies her mastery to, which establishes rapport and a flow-like state. And there’s an element of exciting adventure with a vague outcome and anticipation of the result.

So next time you face a dilemma apply your authenticity, your real deep self, create a strong connection to the subject of your work, and embrace the thrill associated with it, and you’ll Know what turns bizarrely unimaginative piece into art.

PS: this great friend of mine and I are going to Tokyo this weekend for some inspiration and amusement, and I’ll be happy to share with you more “re-title your life” stories from there.

November 10, 2012 – RE-TITLE YOUR LIFE STORIES

It’s so easy (and sometimes tempting) to get lost in banality of everyday life, and none of us is immune to it. What we forget about in such situations is our most valuable asset that gets devalued—attention. I can’t name any other aspect of our existence that’s more precious than attention, can you? If I take “love”, for instance, it’s still about mutual disclosure and attention trade. If I take “money” – they’re worth nothing, if not exchanged for what we want to pay attention to. “Sex”? Yeah,, it’s very precious, yet again: if not for the attention element, it would turn into a freaky circus (which actually, too, requires an attentive care).


The moment I give attention to something or someone, I share a part of my true self, I access and satisfy a segment of my inner world. When I receive attention, my façade blurs and authenticity gets exposed, which makes me feel alive. The moment I lose attention completely, I’m in a trance-like state with no awareness of my body or surroundings, my feelings are skewed, and I turn into an amoeba. It’s especially dangerous when I do not pay necessary attention to the area of my life or people around me, who do need it for the sake of mutual enrichment.


This is why I carefully choose where and how I exercise the option of such luxurious liquidity as attention. It’s a luxury that our entire world is competing for.What I pay attention to creates my reality, my model of the world; and if I’m not happy with what it looks like, I simply change my attention. Try it, and you’ll Know how luxurious your life is.

November 10, 2012 – K.ONTEMPORARY WORK

If you follow this website, you may assume that lately I’ve been very lazy, or dead, or uninspired, or careless, or all of it combined. There was not much new material published. Well, all your assumptions may be true, and now in my defense (and resurrection), here I am launching my K.LOG.


Thanks to the remarkable collaboration with NewMediaFactory and hours of very meticulous testing of the customized solution, now I can share on ongoing basis “re-title your life” stories and current projects, and you can comment on them right here, and also “like” and “tweet” my artworks.


Besides that, I made a huge change in my life for the past 9 months—it IS actually a rebirth. My self-awareness got amplified during the mind-blowing time I spent in Vancouver this summer. People, whom I met there, became an inspiration to me; places I went to enveloped my body and soul (like never before) with incredible amusement. Before that in Copenhagen I observed some very thought-provoking situations and art pieces that stirred up my vision for my K.reatures project. Not to mention my trip to Tzfat in Israel – a place of invincible spirit.


Meanwhile, I managed to advance my art-world relationships with some prominent galleries and publicists, which led to three art photo book publications this year. And finally—break up with my life partner, which was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, yet the most intense and impactful lesson. Bottom line—I endure and accomplish.


As I’m writing this entry, I feel well aligned with who I am and where I’m heading. My current posse is a bunch of very admirable (and adorable) folks, who are authentic and congruent. Some of them in New York are helping me now in finding the best possible place in Manhattan for my K.reatures to come alive—it’s a tough job. By the way, if you happen to know some strings to pull in this area, my appreciation of your support and willingness to collaborate would be very generous. So thank you for believing in me and for sticKing around!

April 29, 2012 – K.ONTEMPORARY WORK