Last year I started researching a new topic for me new long-term art-project – the subject of "death". Little that I knew, it overwhelmed me so profoundly I got slightly lost in the process…and I still kinda am..
The good news is I’ve liberated myself while going through this very intense exposure to my own vulnerability, and my artistic vision became so much clearer. I can’t share much more here with you guys because it’s way too person and way too raw. But again, good news is that I’ve decided to put it all in my art-project and it will result in showcasing all that vulnerability, my very deep core to all of you. It would not be about my ego at all or about my exterior component, rather about aesthetics of inner turbulence that not me but each single one of us experience at some point in life. So stick around and keep tracking #newKproject
Happy New Year everyone!